All of us work very hard to earn money but forget to make that money work for us. Surprised! I coach and mentor a lot of executives who want to leave their job and become self-employed or follow their …
I met a number of ex-colleagues and friends from American Express in a get-together recently. It was a wonderful meeting people with whom one has spent many years of one’s professional life. One common question that was asked by almost …
“How can coaching help?” My clients often ask this question. The general perception that only people with problems need coaching is fast changing. Coaching helps individuals achieve professional and personal goals faster and with more ease than would be possible …
Are you ready for coaching? “I am being coached” had a stigma attached to it till a few years back. Leaders were not comfortable sharing with others that they are being coached as it may be perceived that they have …
In today’s world a lot of interpersonal problems can be attributed to poor listening skills. In our eagerness to dominate the discussion we are always in a hurry to “tell” and don’t have the patience or courtesy to “listen”. This …
“Failure” and “Difficulty” have always been considered as negative. However, I feel that they bring out the best in us. They force us to think differently and fuel the drive & motivation to accelerate our progress towards the desired goal. …
People generally believe that they will be happy once they are successful. While success is an essential ingredient for an overall happy life but I feel it’s important to be happy to be successful. Happiness generates positive energy and confidence …