Are You Ready ?
Are you ready for coaching?
“I am being coached” had a stigma attached to it till a few years back. Leaders were not comfortable sharing with others that they are being coached as it may be perceived that they have a major development need.
The world has changed as have the perceptions related to coaching. Now all top sports personalities and successful CEOs have a coach. Talented and high potential leaders are being assigned an Executive coach by their organizations for maximizing their potential.
Awareness about benefits of coaching is also growing at an individual level. Many individuals especially entrepreneurs have started investing in themselves by engaging a coach who would help them achieve their professional and personal goals faster and with more ease than would be possible otherwise. Hence, having a coach is no more a privilege but a necessity to be successful in today’s competitive environment.
All self-aware & ambitious individuals would like to be coached but they are not sure whether they are ready right now. I have devised an interesting quiz, which will take less than 2 minutes, to help you assess your readiness for coaching. Click on this link and find out if you are ready.